Air Scrubber
The Eurotecno EAS3000 high powered Air Scrubber filters the air in your workshop to help keep a clean environment. Multiple EAS3000 Air Scrubbers can be installed in a large workshop for highly efficient workshop air filtration.…
We can convert your wet back/water wash spray booth to a fully dry filter booth. Dry filtration has many advantages over water wash booth and a wet to dry spray booth conversion can result in significant savings year over year:
Wet back spray… Compiani/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Eurotecno-Logo-2014-340x156-300x138.pngJohn Compiani2017-09-18 09:16:442020-05-26 12:00:07Wet to Dry spray booth conversion
Anti-Static Gun
Our new anti-static gun is the perfect antidote to removing static effectively prior to painting. By cleaning the object you are spraying with ionised compressed air you remove the static charge that can cause all sorts of paint… Compiani/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Eurotecno-Logo-2014-340x156-300x138.pngJohn Compiani2015-09-17 11:09:512020-12-09 14:46:00New Product! Anti Static Gun
Energy Saving Upgrades
Starting at just £200 per month, our inverter system upgrades can save you thousands of pounds a year and can pay for itself many times over.
We can upgrade almost any spraybooth with an Inverter system that speed…
Smoke clearance time testing
We can test your spraybooth to comply with HSE requirements from just £125+VAT depending on your location.
Smoke clerance time tests are a very important part of spray booth maintenance and help reduce the… Compiani/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Eurotecno-Logo-2014-340x156-300x138.pngJohn Compiani2015-04-20 09:09:082018-04-18 13:45:44Smoke Clearance Time Testing – From just £125!Eurotecno Spray Booths Ltd.
We can offer LEV testing (Local Exhaust Ventilation) for your dust extraction, welding hoods, spraybooths, paint rooms and fume extractors starting at just £125.00 depending on your location and the number of extract points.
As part… Compiani/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Eurotecno-Logo-2014-340x156-300x138.pngJohn Compiani2015-03-18 20:55:442018-04-18 13:46:23LEV Testing – From just £125
New Product: Air Scrubber
LEV, News, ProductWet to Dry spray booth conversion
Spray Booth UpgradeNew Product! Anti Static Gun
Anti StaticEnergy Saving Upgrades
Energy SavingSmoke Clearance Time Testing – From just £125!
TestingLEV Testing – From just £125
LEV, Testing